Saturday, January 23, 2010

21 Days!

21 days today!!!  It is definitely feeling like a habit to do my daily disciplines.  I wouldn't call it an ingrained habit yet but it's getting there.  I'm almost done with my monthly book, long before the end of the month!  My attitude is much more positive thanks to the audios and lots of communication with Jeff.  My payoff plan is going well.  We had a couple of unexpected expenses pop up and were able to handle those.  Over the last two days my prayer partner and I have recieved news of at least half a dozen prayer requests that have been answered (yes prayer works).  I bounced back from my fibro flair pretty quickly AND I am down 3 pounds!
So they're small gains but for only 21 days... Let's multiple that out over 6 months... 6 months = 180 days (rounding)  180/21 = 8.6 (rounding again) 8.6 x 3 (pounds) = that's 26 pounds!!!  That would put me 3 pounds lower than my lowest adult weight EVER!  The slight edge at work.

I heard something today on my audio that exactly summarized why I am doing so well at this.  I have had many people say, "Oh you're so disciplined" or "I don't have that much self control".  Well, I'm here to say NEITHER DO I!  The reason this has worked is in this quote (sorry don't have the source)
When performance is measured performance improves,
When performance is measured AND reported the rate of improvement accelerates.
First, I have my check list of daily disciplines and am checking it daily (performance measured).
Second, I am reporting it, to all who read my blog AND to my abandonment ladies on email AND my prayer partner who unwittingly got made a part of my disciplines AND my husband, Jeff, who reads AND comments on my blog daily.  In other words, I have a lot of eyes looking at me and whether I am going to do what I say.  That's not even counting my kids who are watching and commenting on me doing my checklist.  That reporting to others is what causes my rate of improvement to accelerate.

I've heard many people say that they are going to quit smoking, or quit drinking, or diet or read their Bible daily... but I don't want to tell anyone "in case I fail".  Well, they are GOING to fail, simply because they aren't telling anyone.  Another word for it is accountablity, if you are accountable to more than just yourself, it makes it easier to stick to the daily disciplines.  So whatever it is that you want to accomplish. Tell many people about it, get a philosophy about it AND report to them daily.  It sure makes it easier to stick to it.
I'm living on the eighth day, right now!

check 30 Minute Exercise
check ate fruits or veggies
check followed payoff plan
check Prayed with prayer partner
check Talked to Jeff
check Reached out to one more
check listened to audio
check read 10 pages
check blog checklist

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