Now that I am almost back to the land of the living. Here are some of my thoughts on the weekend...
On Sunday, we had to be up at 5:30am so that we could leave for the track by 6:30am. We got to the track and Jacob ran his 200m time trial. Then the clouds started to build. The 500m sprint heats were running when the rain finally busted through. Some people ran for cover, we got a little wet. Jacob was two races away from his race. Then the rain REALLY broke lose and we RAN for the car! Luckily our rental car was a hatch back so we could sit in it out of the rain. They finally called the racing until 1:30pm. So we went to lunch. During most of the lunch time it didn't rain. We went back to the track, it rained a little more. Then it stopped enough to start the racing. Jacob did well. We managed to get through the rest of the meet with no more rain. We went back to the hotel to get cleaned up and then went out to a celebration dinner. By the time we got back to the hotel it was 11:30pm and I was nearly comotose since I had been up for 18 hours with only 5 hours sleep the night before. Hence, the minimal post and missed disciplines.
As I was thinking about this later I realized my biggest problem was not being flexible enough. I did take my book the second day so that I could get reading in between the races. But I could have brought my walking shoes and gone for a 30 minute walk, even if it was in the rain. It may not always be reasonable to exercise with workout equipment at a reasonable hour. The same is true for the fruits & veggies, I need to find alternatives to salads in a restaurant. An apple jumps to mind, it's portable, self-packaged, self-opening and it has lots of needed fiber. Then yesterday I did a little phone tag with my prayer partner. When our lives don't sync up I need an alternative... yesterday I opted for extended personal prayer time. Flexible!
My life can't be on a regimented schedule, I wouldn't want it to be. It's the craziness in life that makes it fun. Being the mother of four boys I am very flexible with just about everything. Schedules, meals, laundry, emergencies, boo-boos, etc In the past, one of the ways I was flexible to the needs of the kids was to drop my needs or scratch personal "to dos" off the list. I would just drop what I wanted to get done and replace it with what someone else NEEDED done. Well, I am going to change the way that I flex. My priorities need to get done and NOT dropped when something else comes up. I just need to be flexible in when and how they get done.
I'm living on the eighth day, right now!
check 30 Minute Exercise
check ate fruits or veggies
check followed payoff plan
check Prayed with prayer partner
check Talked to Jeff
check Reached out to one more
check listened to audio
check read 10 pages
check blog checklist
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