Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's Over

Forget about last year because it's over!  I heard that at a meeting tonight (thank you Ryder).
Ball-Peen Hammer Moment!  I think we all spend way too much mental space and energy dwelling on the past.  Not just last year, but last month, last week, yesterday or even last hour.  Forget about it, it's over!

I think the worst thing that we do when dwelling on the past is that we measure our future potential.  It's like an algebra problem.  If it takes X number of hours to drive Y number of miles then how long will it take to go another Y miles.  If I eat X number of calories and lose Y number of pounds... If I do X of one thing it will ALWAYS give me Y results. Not true! Not only is today not the same as yesterday, I'm not the same person as yesterday. Hopefully, I'm at least a little bit better. So forget about last year, it's over. We also can't dwell on the future because it is TOO big of a leap. All we can affect is right now so I will dwell on the daily disciplines and trust it will make for a better tomorrow.

I'm living on the eighth day, right now!

check 30 Minute Exercise
check ate fruits or veggies
check followed payoff plan
check Prayed with prayer partner
check Talked to Jeff
check Reached out to one more
check listened to audio
check read 10 pages
check blog checklist

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