Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 5

I can't believe I'm starting week five!!!  I woke up with an AMAZING start.  I am down another 4 pounds this week, for a total of SEVEN pounds!!!  I was so shocked I had to weigh twice. 

All of my daily disciplines are really feeling like a habit now.  The day isn't right until they are all done.  Although, Sundays haven't been good prayer partner days.  I guess with church and Bible study we don't realize it's missing until too late at night.  We both have been doin' so much prayin' all day already!

This week, I was talking with a friend of mine and she said that she wished she could take that kind of time for herself but her family is too demanding.  Another lady said her family needed attention and threw her off track.  My husband has reminded me that taking care of myself IS taking care of my family. I think he equated it to car maintenance (not very flattering) but the point being if I break down then I can’t take care of them. I know as moms we feel selfish if we take time for ourselves, this helps me to not feel too selfish.  Marie Osmond talked about this on Larry King when she was discussing her recent weight loss.  Moms are the caretakers of the family but they often forget to take care of themselves.  I am always amazed at the additional energy I have when I exercise and eat right.  It actually does mutiply my time.  So no more excuses of "don't have the time" or "my kids have kept me too busy".  Take the time to take care of yourself and you will get MORE than that time back.

I'm living on the eighth day, right now!

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